Friday, July 5, 2013

best cures for acne - Best Acne Treatment Is a 4 Step Process

While you are looking for the best acne treatment, you have to know that genetics play a big role in determining your skin structure. It means that from the womb, it is being determined if you are going to grow up with an acne prone skin or be blessed without the flaws. Lucky for those who have great skin; but how about the other side of the table? What if you are bound to have the bumps, blemishes and scars?You must be ready for that. According to dermatologists or certified skin doctors, there are ways to combat your acne prone skin: cleanse, tone, medicate and moisturize. Here is a complete acne skin treatment:1. Cleanse - You have to wash your face with a soap-free and non-comedogenic facial cleanser. The first step to treating your acne prone skin is to have it clean by washing away bacteria and other dirt on your face. Also, make up must be removed thoroughly so that when you put on your acne topical cream, the medicine will properly be absorbed. That is the whole point of having to cleanse the face first and foremost.2. Tone - An oil free and alcohol free toner is the best solution for acne prone skin. This is another vital procedure in keeping your face healthy because the toner wipes away the excess oil that the cleanser was not able to scrub out and take out the smudges of makeup that cannot be undone by a facial wash. Other than that, it neutralizes and kills all the bacteria forming substances on your face, that is after cleansing, which can irritate your skin and then cause the acne.How to properly use the toner: Clean your hands with a mild anti bacterial soap before application. With a cotton ball, moisten it just enough to have the whole ball semi-filled with the solution. Apply on the face starting from the chin going upward. Do that routine until your whole face has been treated. Don't forget about the neck as well.3. Medicate - The cleansing and toning parts are just a pre-requisite to medicating your acne prone face. Acne needs special attention and like any health issue (it is a skin problem, you know), it must be dealt with accordingly.You need to have an acne treatment program. We review several options based on the customer satisfaction and here is the best acne treatment that can be purchased online. It is Acnezine Solution. It is a complete and all-natural based topical and oral acne treatment that ends acne at the root source. It also treats future outbreaks that you don't even see yet!First step in medicating is applying the Acnezine Treatment/Moisturizing Cream. It has benzoyl peroxide which quickly acts on the cystic formations on your face. Within 3 days of application, you are sure to find changes in your skin: your acne will have a decrease in swelling, redness is diminished and the big pimples will soon dry up and heal on its own.Second step is to take their Acnezine Skin Antioxidant. This is an oral type of medication that clears up your acne from within. With its antioxidant properties, it flushes out all the toxins in your body that helps create acne. Not only that, your face will clear up in as little as 2 weeks and expect your chest and back to feel smooth as well. That's right; it is a whole body "get-rid-of-acne" solution.4. Moisturize - Most people think that when you have an oily face or if you have severe acne, then, you don't have to moisturize. That is very wrong. Even oily skin needs to be hydrated. Just decide on getting a water-based gel moisturizer or an oil-free face lotion which will complement with your skin. It must have SPF properties too - you need to protect your skin from harmful sun rays.If you are searching for the best acne treatment you have to be aware that it won't be just a single solution. It is always a multiple step process. All you need are 4 simple steps and you are on your way to an acne free skin. Acne can be eliminated and it is up to you to choose if you want that to happen. This is a great tool in helping you fight your bacteria-composed acne. Click To Read More About best cures for acne

best cure of acne - 5 Best Acne Home Remedies

Recently I had a terrible acne outbreak. Looking in the mirror made me scream. I didn't want to try all advertised acne creams and went to a dermatologist straight away. I asked her to prescribe me a strong acne medicine with a high concentration of benzoyl peroxide, something that would surely work.To my surprise, the doctor said, no, no strong medication yet, let's try something else. She gave me several recopies for acne home remedies. I was disappointed, but since the doctor said it should work I tried her homemade remedies. At first I didn't want to believe it, but my skin looked better and better every day. After about two weeks there was no trace of acne. Here are the remedies that helped me, hope that they will work for you as well.1. Mix of rosewater and lemonLemon is an excellent cleanser for acne affected skin. You can mix fresh lemon juice with rose water and apply to affected skin. Wash off after half an hour with clean water. This acne remedy usually shows great results in a few days and in a couple weeks acne should completely disappear from your face.2. ToothpasteOrdinary toothpaste can dramatically help with acne. If your face feels swollen, put a little bit of toothpaste on your pimples before going to bed. Your skin will feel much better in the morning.3. MintMint has been used to stop acne for centuries. It probably grows in your garden or you can buy it in a fruit and vegetable shop. Squeeze juice from mint leaves and apply to your face before going to bed.4. VinegarSimple home vinegar is an effective acne cleanser. Mix it with a little salt and gently rub into your face. Wash off in about 30 minutes.5. CucumberMost women know that cucumber is great for your skin. It can also be used to fight and prevent acne. Make a cucumber paste, put it on your face and let is stay there for several minutes. Unlike lemon and vinegar cucumber doesn't dry your face, quite the opposite, it moisturize your skin and supplies it with vitamins. Use cucumber mask twice a week and you will see definite improvements to your skin condition.Acne diet is important for any acne treatmentWell, there is no such thing as a special "acne diet"; however, what you eat is greatly important for the condition of your skin. Previously, to cure acne doctors suggested cutting down only oily and sugary foods. Modern research shows that eating pizza and drinking soda, doesn't cause acne. What is really essential for acne diet is to consume enough vitamins and minerals. Vitamins that are known to help with acne are Vitamin A, Vitamin E and most B group vitamins. So balanced diet is required to stop acne outbreaks.Drinking your 8 glasses of water is also important in a fight against acne. Enough water helps your body to clean itself of toxins. Which means less harmful substances on your skin.I personally found rose-lemon mix the most effective. It helped to clear my face and the smell of it is just heaven. Some people recommended garlic as an acne cure, but would you like to smell of garlic when you go out?Try using a natural acne home remedy instead of over the counter acne products. Don't trust the ads when they tell you that nothing can clean your skin as well as "you name it" acne cream or cleanser. Home treatments for acne work just fine and they are surely less harmful for your skin than harsh chemicals used in acne medicine. Click To Read More About best cure of acne

best cure for under the skin acne - What is the Best Natural Acne Cure? Sure-Fire Ways Guaranteed to Get Healthy, Glowing Skin in Days!

Finding the best natural acne cure has become one of the most sought after solutions in world today. There are many ways to cure acne naturally and if you follow the correct information there is no reason why you won't see some great results.Below you will find some of the most effective methods for not only treating acne but permanently curing it forever. These are all natural cures and no expensive creams and lotions are recommended to get clear skin.Hormonal Imbalance Is The Number Cause Of AcneUnregulated hormone secretion is actually how acne is formed on the body. Most people believe bacteria or germs cause bad acne but that is incorrect. Excessive hormone secretion is what causes the acne, pimples or blackheads that appear on your face and other parts of your body.When the blood stream receives too much hormone androgen, the oil glands are stimulated under your skin which produces and secrets more sebum. What this does is the sebum builds up and blocks the pores of your skin. Now what happens is the bacteria's try to clean up and destroy the sebum and your body's immune system reacts and causes 'acne'. The small lump and red colour of acne is caused by the damage by the body's natural immune system.The key here is to naturally cure your acne you need to manage the hormonal imbalance in your body that is happening as we speak. Understanding this is very important as part of being a natural acne cure.How To Naturally Control Excessive Hormone Secretion?Without question if you are looking for a natural acne cure then you need to reduce your sebum production. This is the best way to cure acne naturally, get rid of pimples and get clear skin. Here are some great tips:• Go To Bed Earlier And Get Better Quality Sleep. Your immune system is at its strongest when your body has had sufficient rest. A good night's rest reduces stress and helps control hormone secretion.• Eat More Fruits & Vegetables. You probably know by now that fruit and vegetables are one of the best natural acne cures and to help get clear skin. The vitamins and minerals contained in most fruits and vegetables help detoxify your body. Too many toxins in your body causes excessive hormone secretion and slows down and deteriorates your immune system.• Drink More Water. Water flushes away harmful toxins and moisturises the skin and keeps the body balanced. Drink an extra glass today and notice the difference!Of all the natural acne cures out there today these are some of the most effective. Click To Read More About best cure for under the skin acne

best cure for stress acne - Best Acne Products for Cystic Acne Treatment

With the aisles full of acne products claiming to be the best, it's no wonder so many people have a hard time choosing the right one for them. Acne affects an estimated 90 percent of all people at one point or another during their lives. Although it's typically seen in the teenage years, it can affect people during their 20s, 30s and even 40s. Some people even suffer with some form of acne later in their lives. While the cause of acne is the sebaceous glands producing an excess of the oily sebum, people may experience this overproduction due to several different reasons including hormonal changes, stress, or even touching their face too often. When trying to find the best acne product for you, sometimes it's best to also find out what's causing the flare ups in your acne problem. If you are constantly touching your face with your fingers, if you sweat excessively during strenuous exercise or if you're stressed out, you may have a hard time finding a product that will take care of the whole problem -- or worse, you may clear up your acne for just a short time and the cause for your flare ups will happen again and you'll be in the same position.Sebum Sebum is the oily substance that your sebaceous glands produce to lubricate both the hairs and hair follicles. Acne is caused when your sebaceous glands, for reasons not quite understood, produce excess sebum. The excess sebum then combines with dead skin cells, dirt and debris on your face which clogs the pores and creates a lesion, i.e. whiteheads, blackheads, cysts or pustules. Sebum is the cause of the acne; stress, sweating and other factors simply add to it or aggravate it. As of now, there isn't a true way to prevent the excessive sebum production, only ways to treat it.Hormonal EffectsHormonal changes seem to be a leading cause of acne for many people. For teenagers, both male and female, the body is going through many changes, especially hormonal. Breakouts during the teen years are often what people think of when acne comes to mind. Many women experience breakouts related to their menstrual cycle, another major hormonal occurrence. Pregnancy and menopause may also cause fluctuations in the amount of sebum your body is producing.Birth ControlIf you're a woman and have acne flare ups related to hormonal swings, you may be able to help combat your acne with the use of birth control. Many birth control medications tout their acne-helping benefits as a major claim for their product. It works because it helps moderate your hormonal changes. Birth control may be your best option, but is definitely one that you need to discuss with your physician prior. Birth control comes with many side effects that your body may not be able to handle.StressStress doesn't necessarily cause your acne, but studies are showing that it can make them worse. Studies were conducted with college students and results found that the students had more flare-ups, or breakouts, during stressful times such as exam week. Stress and anxiety can also make you subconsciously touch your face more. Picking at your skin is a common anxiety-triggered action, and if you have a pimple, you're more likely to start picking there than somewhere else.Treating Your Stress Unfortunately, you can't take an anti-anxiety or anti-stress medication that also treats your acne. Stress isn't the cause of your acne, it simply accelerates it. You can, however, use medications or stress-relieving methods to help reduce your chances of a breakout -- or causing one to get worse.Active Ingredients Unfortunately, you're going to have a tough time deciding between the many brands and products out there touting claims to be the "best acne solution ever." Many of the products have the same active ingredient, as well as most of the same inactive ingredients. It may come down to a trial-and-error process to see what works for you. If you've been using products with benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredient, maybe you should try a product that uses salicylic acid as their active ingredient. Other common active ingredients include sulfur and resorcinol. One product may work for you where others have failed. Everybody reacts differently to drugs and treatments, acne products are no different. What worked for your best friend may not work at all on your skin. Most of the active ingredients are naturally occurring.Benzoyl Peroxide Benzoyl peroxide is found in over-the-counter medications and face products, and also as a prescription to treat acne. In over-the-counter products, you'll typically find a percentage of 1- to 2-percent benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria and also helps dry out the excess sebum on your face and skin. Benzoyl peroxide can severely irritate skin and you should never use it in combination with other harsh ingredients.Salicylic Acid You will often find products containing salicylic acid as wipes or facial cloths, although this is not always the case. You can also find salicylic acid in creams, lotions and gels. Salicylic acid works by reducing the amount of cells your skin sheds and also breaks down whiteheads and blackheads.Sulfur and Resorcinol Resorcinol is often combined with sulfur in anti-acne medications and products. Sulfur peels and dries out your skin; resorcinol and sulfur both break down existing blemishes.More Natural Products and Home Remedies There are a number of pure, natural ingredients that have been used to treat acne -- and other conditions -- for hundreds and even thousands of years. Witch hazel, tea tree oil, olive oil, azelaic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids, zinc, lavender and brewer's yeast are all natural remedies for acne. Aspirin is an over-the-counter home remedy that is also used with great success in many users. Many of these products are the essential oils from their namesake plants, while others are simply extracts. Some, still, are found in various other naturally occurring items and are extracted in other ways. Witch hazel is a common drugstore staple and is the extract of the witch hazel shrub. It has many uses aside from acne. Tea tree oil contains antibacterial properties that may aid in clearing your acne -- although it will worsen the symptoms of rosacea. You can buy pure tea tree oil in many groceries, health and drug stores, however, the pure tea tree oil can irritate your skin.If you've never used it, you should mix it with base oil at first. Olive oil, like tea tree oil, has many uses aside from the more typical culinary ones. Olive oil has long been used to soften and cleanse the skin. Azelaic acid occurs naturally in whole-grain foods and animal products. According to the May Clinic, azelaic acid creams show to be just as effective as more conventional acne treatments -- including benzoyl peroxide. Alpha-hydroxy acids are not uncommon and are found naturally in acidic foods such as citrus fruits. These acids work by removing dead skin cells and unclogging pores. Zinc helps reduce inflammation, a common symptom in many types of acne lesions. Brewer's yeast, although not proven, seems to be an ingredient that decreases acne. Lavender oil, the essential oil of the lavender plant, treats acne and other skin conditions when applied topically. Aspirin has long been used to treat inflammation, and a topical paste is now a popular home remedy for treating acne. The paste is made from finely crushed aspiring mixed with water, olive oil or another liquid. Many users see the inflammation in their pustules or papules go down almost immediately.Choosing Even after learning about the different active ingredients found in many over-the-counter washes, soaps, creams, lotions and other products, you may still have a hard time choosing. If your skin is sensitive, you want something that's not too irritating -- or at least something in a less-harsh formula. For example, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and tea tree oil can all be harsh on the skin. Using a product with a lower percentage, or one that's mixed with other, soothing ingredients may help you out without irritating your skin and causing pain. If you have problems with dead and dry skin, you may try an exfoliating wash that gently scrubs. If you have dry skin, something that moisturizes may be in order, such as olive oil. Since your skin is different than other people, you're going to need to find a product that suits both your acne and your other skin issues.Bottom LineWhenever you decide to try out a new product, always give it time to work before giving up. Try a new product for at least two weeks unless you have adverse reactions such as irritation, redness or burning. Click To Read More About best cure for stress acne

best cure for steroid acne - Cystic Acne Treatment

Cystic acne is an inflamed type of acne that is quite painful and is the most severe. This condition is the result of not having nodule acne treated which results in the enlargement of the acne nodules. The continued growth of the nodules causes swelling and possible rupturing of the lesions beneath the skin surface. The fluids present in the nodules seep into the surrounding skin making the inflammation worse.Studies have shown that cystic acne is more common in teenage boys and young adult males. It has also been observed that cystic acne tends to run in families. However, this condition can affect anyone. Most of the people who develop cystic acne also have other acne types including whiteheads, blackheads and pustules. Although it is quite severe, this condition develops the same way as other acne types. That is, excess secretion of sebum, excess dead skin cells and the presence of a large number of acne causing bacteria. Being a severe form of acne, it is a bit hard to treat it than it is treating other acne types. Some of the methods found to be effective in treating cystic acne include the following.AccutaneThis drug is also known as isotetrinoin. It is commonly prescribed as a cystic acne treatment when the acne doesn't respond to treatment with other antibiotics. Accutane is a form of vitamin A which works by inhibiting the action of oil glands on the skin. That is, it works by preventing production of sebum by hair follicles. Although it has been found to be very effective in the treatment of cystic acne, accutane has serious side effects especially when used by pregnant women. This drug poses serious birth defects on the fetus if used during pregnancy. Other side effects associated with this drug include alopecia and problems of the skin, nails and eyes, depression, erectile dysfunction and liver damage. It is recommended that you only use accutane under the guidance of a qualified medical professional.AntibioticsOral and topical antibiotics such as tetracycline and erythromycin can also be used for the treatment of cystic acne. These medicines help to reduce inflammation and the number of acne causing bacteria on the skin. However, these drugs cannot prevent the recurrence of cystic acne and have some possible side effects including skin irritation, stomach upset and yeast infections in women.CortisoneThe steroid cortisone has also been effectively used for the treatment of cystic acne. This is a naturally occurring steroid whose function in the body is to counter inflammation and hasten the healing process. It is directly injected into the cyst and works by reducing the size of the acne lesions. A major advantage is that the healing process starts immediately.Birth control pillsCystic acne in women can be the result of hormonal changes where excess estrogen is produced in the body. This leads to the development of acne. Birth control pills can be administered to maintain a hormonal balance in the body helping treat the acne breakout.Surgical proceduresIn some cases, the cysts grow too large and don't respond well to other treatment methods. Surgical procedures to drain the cysts and extract them can be performed as a treatment method. This however shouldn't be likened to squeezing the cysts. It should be done by a qualified dermatologist to prevent infection or spreading the acne to other parts of the skin.Self treatmentAlthough the above mentioned treatment methods are proven to work, they don't guarantee that the cystic acne won't recur. Self treatment is geared towards reducing the chances that the cysts will pop up in future. Some of the things to do include identification of the causes of the breakouts and dealing with them. For example, if you find that your diet plays a role in the breakouts, its best to change to a healthy diet.I have compiled a short report detailing 5 simple steps to getting rid of acne. These practical steps will enable you free yourself from cystic acne and also reduce the chances of recurrence. The main advantages of these steps is that they are practical, can be practiced from home and have no side effects. Click To Read More About best cure for steroid acne

best cure for spots and acne - Best Acne Spot Treatment for Pimples

Acne spots can easily mar the beauty of a fresh face. Those angry red spots that crowd the face during the most inopportune moments ruin some of our best moments. They take over the subtle beauty of the face and convert the sight into a red field! Luckily, you can fight them with the help of certain acne treatments. The best treatment for these is a natural acne treatment. Natural treatment techniques allow you to get rid of those angry red spots, while also ensuring that no undue harm occurs to the delicate skin.So, what are the different kinds of treatments for spots and blemishes? Well, you can find most of the below ingredients in your household. You might have to try one or the other to find a cure that suits your skin and your acne spots.Honey, Honey...Honey has been used as a medicinal ointment and the best spot treatment since a thousand years. Its uses have been dated back all the way to 2500 BC. There's something right with a cure if it's been used for a few millennia now. Honey is full of antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, which ward off the infectious bacteria that tend to live near and inside pimples. To use honey as the best acne cleanser, merely apply a pea sized amount of unprocessed, raw and unheated honey over the spot and leave it for fifteen minutes. Repeat this procedure for a fortnight and see the results upon your skin!Headache! Aspirin!Aspirin is more commonly ingested, rather than applied topically. However, the chemical structure of aspirin, also called acetylsalicylic acid, is very similar to that of a popular go-to remedy called salicylic acid. Topically applied, aspirin is the best over the counter acne treatment that reduces the redness and the swelling that accompanies those angry pimples. To apply aspirin, mash one tablet of uncoated aspirin and mix it with one or two drops of water to create a viscous and thin paste. Apply this paste onto your pimple spots and keep it on for five to ten minutes. Then, wash it off using lukewarm water, and see your pimples disappear.ToothpasteThis is the most commonly used at home spot treatment as toothpaste is easily available and very easy to use as it is already a paste. The cooling nature of toothpaste makes it very soothing on the angry, red spots and it makes the pimples dry out naturally within a day or two. Apply a dab of toothpaste to the pimple and rub it in slightly. Leave it overnight and wash off in the morning. Repeated treatment should get rid of the pimple in a relatively short period of time.Tea Tree OilTea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of the tea tree and is known for is anti-bacterial properties. It has a heady and beautiful aroma and it is very useful to reduce scarring and inflammation in its use as a spot treatment for pimples. However, the oil is rather potent, so make sure you mix it with a lot of Witch Hazel toner, in the 1:9 proportion. Use a cotton swab and apply it every night.Use these above best acne spot treatment to zap away your annoying pimples. This spot treatment for pimples is sure to work and keep your face blemish free. Click To Read More About best cure for spots and acne

best cure for severe acne - Severe Acne Treatment - The Best Cure For Severe and Cystic Acne

If you have been struggling to permanent cure your severe acne for months or perhaps even years, you need to read this and be sure to follow the recommended home treatments, as well as medical recommendations. Extreme cases of acne can occur in the form of cystic and nodular breakouts on the face and body, and it is important to understand that medical grade treatments should be initiated immediately, along with natural skin treatments.What to do to stop consistent breakoutsVisit an acne clinic, dermatologist or your family doctor who may prescribe a combination of the following:Topical cream or gel containing benzoyl peroxide Topical retinoids Oral antibiotics Oral contraceptives Cortisone injectionsNext, it is important to understand that while using aggressive forms of treatments on the skin, your skin may become dry, red and sensitive to the sun. You must only use mild facial cleansers and always wear sun protection.The most dermatologist recommended acne product brands are Spectro Jel, Cetaphil and Neutrogena.An internal cleansing, such as a mild detox is strongly advised to rid your body of inflammatory agents, toxic buildup and digestive bacteria. Thousands of acne suffers have achieved clear skin after cleansing diets, and the benefits go far beyond clear skin. Improved vitality, weight loss, digestive health and clear skin are only a few of the benefits in cleansing.You may also want to incorporate a sea salt skin treatment to further eliminate toxins from the skin while allowing the epidermis to regain vital minerals contained in the most natural skin treatment, sea salt.Get regular exercise in the form of sports, walking, yoga or even dancing to maintain healthy circulation.Take a daily multivitamin to support your overall health.Avoid aggressive skin products such as facial scrubs.Avoid excessive heat such as saunas.Always cleanse your skin after sweating.Be patient, acne tends to heal at a rate of %25 per month. Click To Read More About best cure for severe acne